scenario planning — Blog — Digital Orchards

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    scenario planning

    Using Odyssey Planning to Help Chart your Tech Career Pivot

    (Photo credit @stilclassis)

    OMG I think spring is finally here! Tho I am trying not to shout from the rooftops as I worry Mother Nature might send more snow my way just to spite me. And with spring comes all sorts of new beginnings. I decided this is the year I’m going to grow veggies in a backyard garden box (help!) - I’ll keep you posted. And the new energy is palpable with new clients joining, some returning after a winter break, and current clients seeing growth in # of interviews and offers! I hope you are feeling the energy too! 


    I wanted to share that registration is now open for the Digital Orchards Fellowship! 

    I launched the program to bring together a small cohort of early to mid-career professionals who want structured guidance on how to navigate a career change into tech AND want to work with like-minded individuals to achieve that goal. 

    In my program, you will learn from an experienced coach (that’s me) the information & tactics you need to achieve your tech search pivot AND you will get support from folks going through the same challenges as you are. Everyone will end the program with a clearly articulated plan for a successful job search. 

    Sign up today to learn more and join the waitlist: Digital Orchards Fellowship


    When you are trying to make a complicated decision about your life and/or career, it can be difficult to keep all the variables in your head as you think about what you want to do. And that can lead to frustration and making snap decisions that don’t quite align with your actual goals and interests but are expedient! 

    Instead, try using a technique called scenario planning, tho here we use a modified version called odyssey planning. I really like the version that has been popularized via the Designing Your Life book as it turns this into an exploratory, learning process than a prescriptive, rigid planning document. And it’s invigorating to imagine embarking upon an odyssey or journey of exploration. The possibilities are promising and vast!

    1. What is scenario planning & why does it work?

      • Scenario planning in business is used to help companies identify & assess uncertainties about the future and decide how they want to address them. It’s a tool used to help make decisions when you don’t have a lot of concrete information but you still have to move forward. Sounds familiar, huh?

      • Scenario planning is a helpful tool to keep you agile in the face of change and able to adapt to a range of possible future outcomes. And in the tech industry, agile and change are terms we see daily - so having a tool that helps you to assess & react quickly will help you navigate constant change. 

    2. How do I use it?

      • The DYL Odyssey Planning exercise is simple in direction yet offers a wealth of information about how you want to approach your future. 

      • You will be designing 3 different five-year plan alternatives, not as concrete plans, but more to investigate and answer the ‘what if’ questions. 

      • For each plan, you’ll develop a short sentence that serves as the title or theme and the questions that you hope the plan will answer (or at least explore further). I’ve provided some example questions below to get you started. 

        • ‘What if I took that promotion? How could that play out in my career over the next few years? Will the promotion mean I can finally make real change here?’ 

        • ‘What if I decide to start that side hustle? Do I want to quit my day job and do the business full-time, or keep it as a thriving side business? What will my non-entrepreneurial family say?’

        • ‘Do I like tech enough to make the pivot? Will my skills translate to this new industry?’ 

      • While I’ll provide you with worksheets you can complete, I think it’s more powerful if you draw each plan out on a separate piece of paper so you can visually compare them at the end. 

      • Once you’ve filled in the five-year plan portion, it’s very important to assess what you’ve written using the 4 dials in terms of resources, interest, confidence, and coherence. I’ve had many clients do the exercise and see that plan A is feasible financially but doesn’t align with their actual interests. And maybe they adore plan B but are very uncertain they can pull it off. 

      • To try out the DYL Odyssey Planning exercise, you can download a copy HERE

    3. Seek out someone to help you process what you have produced

      • One of the great things about this exercise is that it usually provides many a-has to those who complete it, both during their individual review and when discussing it with someone else. 

      • Make sure that you discuss your Odyssey Plans and what you’ve learned with someone else. It can be a coach, a trusted friend, or a peer group. Sometimes the value lies in processing what you see to articulate it to someone else. Sometimes the other person can help you see holes in your thought process or help provide confidence in the decision you are leaning towards. It can also help to have an objective voice to guide you in turning this scenario sketch into a plan for action. 


    Light reading for a Friday evening…11 Epic Mysteries Scientists Totally Can't Solve

    Understand Scenario Planning

    (Photo credit @kellysikkema)

    1. Understand scenario planning & why it's important to do it (even if it scares people). These articles are aimed at helping startups with scenario planning - but you can easily use these frameworks for larger organizations and for individuals seeking new careers. Also, super, super helpful to understand how people navigate change (there's a model for it!)

    2. Tracy Wilk is an ex-Googler who shares such fantastic career tips on LinkedIn, often with a long arc to them. Here's a recent one that I found valuable:

    Don't just take it on faith that your career is going to be there in forty years. You already know that's not true. Have a broad radar for where opportunities might exist. Look for those opportunities and they may include the road less traveled. There are always opportunities where there are human beings. We can always provide services or comfort or whatever is needed, to one another. That's really our best opportunity.”

    Want a Career in Tech but aren’t sure where to start? Take a look at MY COURSE, ‘TECH SEARCH COMPASS’ FOR STEP-BY-STEP SUPPORT