Roadmap to a Successful Interview — Digital Orchards

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    Roadmap to a Successful Interview

    (Photo Credit @markkonig)

    As I mentioned yesterday, all of my clients have used my interview prep methods to be prepared and know what’s coming their way, which leads to successful outcomes & offers. 

    I’m going to lay out my Interview Prep Roadmap for you here. Over the next few days, I’ll also provide links to free worksheets and common non-coding tech interview questions. For some, this will be new & for others, this will be a nice refresher. If you use any of these tools, I’d love to hear how they helped you be more successful in your interviews! 

    Step 1: Developing Your Interview Intro, aka Pitch

    Step 2: 3 Main Types of Tech Interview Questions

    Step 3: STAR Interview Basics

    Step 4: My List of Intro Tech & Startup Interview Questions

    Step 5: When to use Tech Interview Prep Sites

    Step 6: How to Create a Custom Interview Prep Guide

    Step 7: How to Structure an Offer Negotiation Conversation

    Think of this Interview Prep Roadmap as your training schedule. 

    When you train for a 10K, you don’t just lace up your shoes & run (well, most of us don’t). Instead, you develop a training plan that looks at your current fitness level, your goals, and helps you get from A to B. 

    My Interview Prep Roadmap does the same thing: helps you assess your current interview readiness and devise a personalized plan for action. 

    Curious to know more about how I can help you with your interview prep? Head over to the Contact Me page and let me know more about your situation.