About Liz Arnold, founder of — Digital Orchards

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    I grew up on a Dairy Farm

    in a small rural town in upstate NY, nowhere near the big tech centers of New York or Silicon Valley. There were few in my tiny town who understood how to talk tech. By chance, my tiny elementary school had an Apple computer where I learned how to tell the turtle to turn 90 degrees.

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    Since then, I have worked at big tech brands like Google & IBM, and at small tech startups that rivaled Facebook & Oracle. I’ve coached thousands of students at colleges across the US (including Cornell, Harvard, MIT, Princeton, Brown, and UMass-Amherst) to find their dream jobs in tech.

    Upper left: me at my desk at Google, wearing the ill-fated Google Glass.Upper right: me + a colleague in front of the Apple ‘spaceship’ HQBottom left: me in a plush pink elevator at Lyft.Bottom right: the farm where I grew up

    Upper left: me at my desk at Google, wearing the ill-fated Google Glass.

    Upper right: me + a colleague in front of the Apple ‘spaceship’ HQ

    Bottom left: me in a plush pink elevator at Lyft.

    Bottom right: the farm where I grew up


    You’re probably asking: How did she do it?

    I am a voracious learner and consumer of knowledge & information (translation: I read a LOT via books, news outlets and social media). I’ve been lucky to attend and/or work at many of the top academic institutions around the globe — worlds away away from the small farm I grew up on.

    I hope to share what I’ve learned, and how I’ve learned it — to help you move forward in your career in tech.

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    Come with me on this journey — and watch your dreams take flight!

    Visiting Sidi Bou Said, Tunisia

    Visiting Sidi Bou Said, Tunisia


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    I’m from a family full of entrepreneurs - check out their businesses too!!