resume formatting — Blog — Digital Orchards

resume formatting

Is your resume AI proof?

(Photo credit @skabrera)

Make sure your resume is optimized both for a human reader AND an ATS. 

  1. Tech companies haven’t developed a perfect AI solution to the tricky process of hiring, so during the resume review process, you’ll likely have humans AND applicant tracking systems reviewing your documents. You have to ensure it will work for BOTH of them. 

  2. Here are 5 tips to help you optimize for both types of readers:

    1. Structure: I apologize to the more creative types, but your resume should be in a traditional formatted structure. It’s easier for both computers and humans to scan quickly when your resume is in a consistent format, with headings, company names, and titles organized chronologically. (Save your creativity for your portfolio, where you can really shine!) 

    2. Keywords: ATS systems love to extract all the keywords you feed it, but if you put too many jargon-y words on your resume, the human will get annoyed - or worse, distracted from the story you are trying to tell them about your qualifications for the role. Use the company’s job description to lift the best keywords for the skills they find valuable. Recruiters love it when you use their words! You can also use tools like Jobscan or VMock to help you identify additional keywords to add to your resume - or book some time with me to help you

    3. File type: I always recommend that applicants use a pdf. It helps you maintain the formatting you want, and the human reviewer doesn’t need to worry if there are any weird Word macro viruses that hitch a ride on your resume. The only caveat here: when applying to Microsoft, you may want to use a Word doc!

    4. No typos: This should be mega-obvious already, but spelling mistakes or other typos are a big no-no. If your resume is the only way a company is able to get to know you as a candidate, and you are unable to show attention to detail in this one document, it’s an easy way for them to screen you out. You could have many other amazing and relevant skills, but they might not see them if an ATS screens you out because of typos. 

    5. The Resume Secret: You actually want a recruiter to spend less time on your resume. Controversial, I know - but it’s true! The reason you put so much work into your resume is to make the resume screener’s job easy, whether it’s an ATS or a person. You want a recruiter to scan quickly, say Yes to themselves. This will move you forward to an interview -- because they can see instantly you have the right/enough qualifications for the role! 


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