digital workplace — Blog — Digital Orchards

digital workplace

What is the role of AI in a digital workplace?

(Photo credit @austindistel)

It’s been a busy past few weeks, with the launch of my new Coaching offerings and getting to participate in my first tweetathon! I maaaay have also spent some time watching the recent Pres and VP debates, and maaaay have scared my dog when I was yelling at the TV. (I’m just as passionate about public service & politics as I am about tech!) For those in the US, please make sure you are registered to vote and have a plan for when and how you will vote! It’s really important that you participate in the voting process.  


Earlier this week, I was invited to participate in The Digital Workplace Tweetathon, where around 100 panelists interacted with thousands of attendees on Twitter over a 24-hour period. We discussed a wide variety of topics related to the Digital Workplace. My panel’s focus was on “The role of AI in a digital workplace” and I was joined by Paul Datta, Head of Digital Workplace for ASEAN/Japan for Tata Consultancy Services, and Mitch Zenger, CEO of Synctrics

We were each asked to record a video or written response in advance to 4 questions, and I’ve linked here to the Twitter thread for each question. I hope you take a look - I’m especially interested to hear if you know of companies working on my prediction for Q2. 

Pro tip: Tweetdeck made it so much easier to participate in this tweetathon as you could have multiple threads for notifications, hashtags, etc, open in just one window (check it out if you want an easier Twitter experience). 


You might have missed this important news tidbit last week. Maybe we’ll be able to go back and erase some of 2020 someday?? Physicists prove time travel is 'mathematically possible' 🤯

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