career pivot — Blog — Digital Orchards

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    career pivot

    Tips for staying motivated during a career pivot

    (Photo credit @kellysikkema)


    1. I’ve kicked off the Pivoting into Tech Workshop Series, happening on Fridays between 12-1pm ET. Sessions 1 & 2 are already over, but you are welcome to join me for Sessions 3-5!

      Session 1 was ‘Understanding the Tech Industry’ - click here to check out the video replay.
      👉Upcoming Sessions:
      💥Tech Resume Revamp: Jan 28

      💥Develop your 30-Second Tech Networking Pitch: Feb 4

      💥Finding the Right Tech Contacts: Feb 11

    2. You can register for any of these workshops here: AND newsletter subscribers get a discount, so subscribe to my newsletter HERE to take advantage for future workshops!

    3. You are welcome to share this public link with anyone who you think could benefit from these workshops!

    #careertip - Motivation

    The Pivot Post-it! 

    I shared this tip with someone recently & it was super helpful to keep her motivated. Making a career pivot is often hard. And when you’re currently in a bad or boring work situation, it can make it even harder. So here is a mini-motivation step you can take right now that serves as an in-the-moment reminder of your goals! 

    1. Set a date for your departure & write it on a Post-it. Aim for a date that is motivating to you but realistic so you don’t get discouraged (say, 3 months from today).

    2. Write down 3-4 companies you want to pursue. It’s ok to put down the dream ones - this is to help keep you motivated!

    3. Add other words or visuals of encouragement. This is for you - so if it helps to add things like ‘You go girl!’ or ‘You can handle whatever comes your way!’ or silly stickers, go for it!

    4. Stick your Pivot Post-it to monitor or desk & look at it whenever you are bored, frustrated, or otherwise dissatisfied with your current work situation. You might be surprised by how a simple piece of paper can help you keep your energy directed towards your future goals, and not wasted on the situation you’ll be leaving soon.

    Try it out and let me know how it worked! 

    Another thing I’ve admitted to myself in working from home: it’s ok to admit that you’re only about 40-50% as productive as normal. Here’s some advice on how to recover: 

    Still struggling to get motivated? It happens to all of us!