3 Secrets to finding a job in tech — Digital Orchards

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    3 Secrets to finding a job in tech

    If you have ever searched for a job before, you know that it’s not just as easy as clicking ‘apply’ and BOOM - the job offer appears. If only…

    Instead, what usually happens is that you apply for a ton of jobs via LinkedIn and Indeed and <insert platform> and wait...and wait...and wait for a reply.

    In fact, you’re probably still waiting…

    While companies are trying out new types of technological tools to help accelerate the job application process, most of them have not gotten there yet. Instead, some of the traditional search methods still apply -- but with a few modern twists. 

    Here are a few secrets to help you better navigate your tech career search process. 

    1. Having a specific career vision/direction

    • While this may seem obvious, you’d be surprised at how many job seekers skip over this part and jump straight into applying to any job that looks interesting. 

    • It’s critical that you take some time to ensure that you know something about the industry, role(s), key skills, and career trajectory -- and that these items all align with your goals and preferences. 

      • You need to know all of these items before you can adequately prep for any interviews -- practiced interviewers can tell when a candidate doesn’t have a destination or goal in mind. 

      • Don’t worry if this sounds like a lot - we’re here to guide you!

    • If you’re really not sure what you want to do with your next steps in life, I highly recommend checking out the book/site Designing Your Life and doing the exercises included in the book. 


    2. Having a plan to execute on that career vision

    • Once you have a direction that you’d like to aim for, it becomes much easier to build a personalized plan for how to execute your career search. 

    • There will be a few common steps that all job seekers must take - but given how rapidly the tech industry changes, you need to build your own flexible career search plan. 


    3. Having the confidence and support to achieve the vision

    • This is critical to the success of your search - and often it hinges on whether or not you took the time to think about item #1, and articulate your career vision. 

    • Job searching is a process that involves a lot of learning. Unless you have some type of compass direction heading that’s guiding you, it’s easy to lose confidence when you struggle or when you face a decision about when or if to pivot to a new role.

    • The other piece that is critical is your support team. You need to identify people you can trust to help you when you’re unsure of what to do or to cheer you on when you get that first interview!


    The Tech Search Compass course is optimized to help you with items #1 and 2, and by completing the course, you’ll also increase your confidence and identify supporters to help you along the way.

    Want personalized job search strategy tips and career guidance? Take a look at my Career Strategy Session options.
