4 Myths About Working In Tech — Digital Orchards

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    FREE GUIDE: 4 Myths about Working in Tech - and Ways to Conquer Them!

    The best way to combat your fear is to name it & address it.
    — Someone brave & kinda crazy

    I work with students on a daily basis who are accomplished high achievers — and yet, many are completely terrified of taking the leap to transition into tech. They don’t think they are technical enough, know enough, have enough background in tech, are smart enough, etc, etc, etc.

    The one thing they don’t realize about their fears?


    It’s ok to be afraid.

    The lucky ones recognize that fear is just your mind letting you know that you’re pushing up against your learning edge. Simply naming that fear and acknowledging it often helps the fear subside and allow you to take the next step forward.


    Let me help you address and conquer your fears with my free guide to ‘4 Myths about Working in Tech - and Ways to Conquer Them!’